A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing The Right Emergency Shower

When working with Hazardous materials, it is a mandatory Safety requirement that Emergency Showers and Eye Wash stations be available to the employees potentially affected.   This blog will assist with recommended compliance guidelines when purchasing Emergency showers and Eye Wash Stations.   All of AfriSupply’s in-house manufactured Emergency Eye Wash Stations and Emergency Shower […]

How To Be Prepared for Any Spill: A Comprehensive Guide to using Spill Kits

When dealing with Hazardous or “Hazmat” materials it is important to remember that spillages can and do take place.   AfriSupply will take you through the appropriate methods and measures to ensure minimum risk to human health, the environment and property.   Hazmat, Hazardous materials or commonly referred to as dangerous goods come in the […]

How To Choose the Right Truck Spill Kit for Your Business

Environmental and Safety Concerns to consider when transporting HAZARDOUS materials It is of utmost importance that every proactive measure is taken to ensure that all potential risks to both humans and the environment is considered and minimized when transporting HAZARDOUS materials.   Always keep in mind that should an emergency occur (EG: a Spillage) it […]

How to Use Spill Kits in the Event of a Hazmat Spill Incident

If your business uses, handles or manages Hazardous substances, which can be in the form of (but not limited to) the following Hazmat substances: Chemicals e.g.: Solvents, Paints, Fertilizers, Nitrates, Acids and Bases. Oil Based spillages e.g., Hydraulic Oils, Fuels, Petroleum, Diesels. Biological Spillages e.g.: Bodily Fluids, Blood, Urine, Vomit. Mercury -small Spillages Spill kits […]

Spill Kits & First Aid: The Ultimate Guide to Working with Hazardous Chemicals


A Comprehensive Safety Guide for Professionals Working with Hazardous Chemicals.   If you really think about it, life as we know it would be an alien concept without the brave men and women who love playing with hazardous chemicals. From chemists and chemical engineers to healthcare professionals and DIY buffs, the world wouldn’t be the […]

The Importance Of Using Proactive Spill Containment Products Leads to BIG Savings!

chemical spill containment

In an age where Industry is incentivised and continuously encouraged to minimize the negative impacts on the environment, I am still asked, to my utter surprise “what is the point of having spill kits?” In short….in the event of a spillage occurring, if you do not have access to adequate spill kits, absorbents, or contained […]

The Benefits of a Proactive Approach to Hazmat Spill Kits

The Benefits of a Proactive Approach to Hazmat Spill Kits

A Proactive Approach to Hazmat Spillages leads to financial gains in the workspace! The benefits of having a spill kit is immeasurable! In an age where Industry is incentivised and continuously encouraged to minimize the negative impacts on the environment, Spill kits are one of the easiest and mandatory items to have on hand with […]