If your business uses, handles or manages Hazardous substances, which can be in the form of (but not limited to) the following Hazmat substances:
- Chemicals e.g.: Solvents, Paints, Fertilizers, Nitrates, Acids and Bases.
- Oil Based spillages e.g., Hydraulic Oils, Fuels, Petroleum, Diesels.
- Biological Spillages e.g.: Bodily Fluids, Blood, Urine, Vomit.
- Mercury -small Spillages
Spill kits are your best First line defense against the risks and hazards associated with a spillage of hazardous materials. The purpose of a spill kit is to contain and clean up a Hazardous spill as quickly and efficiently as possible. The greatest advantage of a spill kit is that it contains all the materials needed to clean a spill efficiently and safely (when applicable) spill.
Having access to spill kits not only on site but also in Trucks/Tankers and delivery vehicles, aids in firstly containing runaway spills from entering storm water drains or direct water ways. By having immediate access to a Spill Kit significantly reduces the risk by minimizing the coverage area of a spill and thereby reducing the cost and exposure.
Regardless of the size of the spillage, any hazardous substance can pose serious risks to your staff, property and the environment. It is vital that as a matter of priority, the applicable staff are correctly trained and made aware of how to use a spill kit safely and effectively. Key to this is to ensure that the correct spill kit equipment is kept in priority areas, clearly and visibly signed and stocked adequately.
Very importantly legislation, such as the Waste Management Act and Hazardous Substances act enforces the responsible end to end management of spillages, this entails that in the event of contamination of rivers taking place the entity or organization is responsible for the full recovery and remediation of the polluted areas and environment.
All Organizations, should have clearly communicated and documented Spill response policies and procedure, that provide a clear spill response guide to ensure total organizational preparedness.
Let’s take a look at ways to use contamination spill kits.
How to use contamination spill kits
From the moment spills occurs and throughout the response, determine risks that may affect human health, the environment and property. ALWAYS PUT SAFETY FIRST. If possible, identify the spilled material and determine how much was spilled.
Choose the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to safely respond to the spill. Consult Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and literature from Chemical and PPE manufacturers for the best recommendations. If you are uncertain of the danger and the spilled material is unknown, assume the worst and use the highest level of protection.
SPEED COUNTS! Limit the spill area by blocking, diverting or confining the spill. Use contained absorbents such as socks and booms as found in our spill kits. STOP the flow of the liquid before it has a chance to contaminate a water source. Spill kits are designed to facilitate a quick, effective response.
After the spill is confined, stop the source of the spill. This may simply involve turning a container upright or plugging a leak from a damaged drum or container. Products like the Repair Putty as well as barrel patches and cone plugs are effective at stopping leaks. Transfer liquids from the damaged container to a new one.
Once the spill is confined and the leak has been stopped, it is time to re-assess the incident and develop a plan of action for implementing the spill clean-up. Pillows and mat pads are commonly used to absorb the remainder of the spill. Simply place the pillows and pads throughout the spill area. Unused absorbents are not hazardous. However, once the absorbents are saturated with oils, solvents etc. they may be considered hazardous waste and must be disposed of properly.
Decontaminate the site, personnel and equipment by removing or neutralizing the hazardous materials that have accumulated during the spill. This may involve removing and disposing of contaminated media such as soil that was exposed during the spill incident. An effective decontamination area ensures the health and safety of emergency responders.
Complete all notifications and paperwork required by local and governmental guidelines for reporting spill incidents. Failure to do so can result in severe penalties.
Final words
AfriSupply is a proud supplier and specialist of a wide range of Spill Containment Products, ranging from standard Oil and Chemical spill kits, to specialty Biological and Glass Spill kits. We are the only Local African manufacturer of Fully Compliant Polyethylene Spill Bunds, Drip Trays and customized PVC Products such as Truck mats and bunds. Our Product range also extends into Emergency Showers and Eye wash stations and AfriSupply also proudly manufactures the majority of its own product range in house, Proudly keeping it Local!